DODO - 'Veins of the Heart'
Scanning down the list of Dodo's work on his Tumblr page you soon realise this Gif artist is as prolific as he is talented.
Each work seems effortlessly creative, wonderfully dark, in a way that kind of seduces you. It feels like walking into a room lit by a lava lamp, both calming but at the same time otherworldly.
Dodo kindly agreed to be interviewed as part of our new series of profiles on digital artists which began last week with the neon vibes and sinister themes of Abel M'Vada.
He also contributed to our artist's showcase with a neon tripped-out warping tunnel inspired by the colours and sounds of synthwave artist Com Truise's superb album 'In Decay'.
What is your age and location?
∞ , Earth
What is your full time job?
What recognition or awards have you had for your work so far?
I guess three staff picks are the biggest reward I’ve gotten for DODO. I’ve only been doing this for about seven months now so hopefully I’ll get some clients and interesting projects.
DODO - 'Fine Thread'
How long have you been making digital Gif art and what made you start making it?
I started making Gifs about four months ago because of a tutorial I saw on the internet. But I’ve been making visuals ever since I was 16.
Why the name Dodo?
One of the meanings is that Dodo means sleep in French and many gifs are surreal and can only find place in dreams.
Looking through your tumblr work, some of the gif images are stunning. What are the themes or influences running through them?
Thank you and I’ve always liked paintings so I think I’m mostly inspired by them (especially the surrealists) and by music. Music really stimulates my imagination and with it I can create visual landscapes in my head. Even philosophy is inspiring to me with its use of metaphors and such.
The piece "Transcendent" is particularly striking - how long did that take to make and what was it inspired by?
DODO - 'Transcendent'
That piece took me roughly two hours to make. I was inspired by Blade Runner and the album that I was listening to called GUUD by Ash Koosha. Both the film and music inspired me to make a world where a human transcends its surroundings in an overly technological world.
Can you tell us something about your process - what equipment and software do you use?
I primarily use Cinema 4D, After Effects and Photoshop. Now I am also teaching myself how to use code in a creative way with programs such as Processing. Music and philosophy or whatever I’m experiencing is what fills up the content of many Gifs.
What would you say the key is to producing good digital art?
Being bold, curious and passionate. When creating anything, be it digital art, writing, music, etc, I look inwards and what surrounds me, the world around me.
Are there any other digital Gif artists you admire?
Many artists from the GIFcollective roster and others such as badcodec, protobacillus, 30000fps, dvdp, gifmk7, spyrogif, zolloc, etc. Also p5art is an interesting Gif artist because he combines coding with Gif-making.
DODO - 'Advances'
Do you think digital Gif art is currently in a fledgling state and still coming to terms with the art form?
Gif art is definitely becoming more and more of a medium to be taken seriously in terms of art. I haven’t been making them for such a long time but I can already see the growth.
What do you think are the future possibilities for digital art?
Standing on its own, I imagine a museum where Gif art will be exposed like paintings. Gifs can become the moving paintings of tomorrow. Furthermore, I think code and programming will become more and more prevalent in digital art. It’s already there but with kids learning and knowing about code at a young age, it will become a creative tool for future generations, like a pencil or a paintbrush.
Will holographic 3D projections be the next evolution in Gif art?
It might be, I don’t know, If it's there, I’ll definitely take a shot at it.
Dodo Twitter